About me

My name is Rak Ladwa

Why do I do what I do

Growing up in the ’70s and ’80s was a challenge, my parents both worked, and my brother and I would make our breakfast, tidying up before leaving to go to school. For me school was never great, always ducking and diving around to avoid bullies and that was a big distraction. I would act in a different way to try and blend in or try to be invisible to not attract attention.

Having no idea about the two cultures I was always confused, learning at school was somewhat a challenge and with no real understanding or being shown a different way of learning I fell back in my studies, to the point I was in special classrooms with equally troubled children. However, thinking I would find some hope, there was more despair as the same kids bulling me ended up there too.

I was angry, anxious, depressed, scared I might do something wrong or forget I had to do something I was told to do, and many times growing up, I felt worthless. I found it hard to concentrate and had difficulties learning and remembering. I thought I was broken; I didn’t know how to get help or if there was any help.

Coming to the end of secondary school, in the final years, I knew I didn’t want to be in any classrooms with other kids, well not where we grew up anyway. So, on the final days of finishing school, I was offered a job with an uncle who had a DIY store.

This was it; I had found something that I liked, I discovered I wanted to help people with fixing things that had gone wrong indoors, and the customers really liked me. I was happy and always ready to go to work. I began to work out in the gym and felt confident about myself.

After 3 years I had learnt the trade and my dad, brother and I agreed to open our own business. For a while, it was brilliant having our own business, and it became very successful, living at home I was able to save up enough money to buy my first home to let out and the ball started to roll.

After setting up the retail business and a portfolio of properties, my direction changed, I was still having flashbacks of my younger years and had very few memories of my childhood as being fun or happy times. Also, after getting married, we spent 12 years trying to start a family, then to discover surrogacy, and I’m pleased to say we now have a boy and a girl.

But this also had a toll on my mental health, I still felt like that boy with the broken brain. My anger slowly crapped back in, family politics were at a high after giving up the business and the anxiety, depression, fear, guilt and conflicts were at their highest point. I needed help and I needed it fast.

At this point, I was introduced to NLP and my life was turned around, the teaching gave me a new lease of life, on how to control my situation and to better understand why people are the way they are, and that I could choose to feel the way I wanted to feel. I was able to address my own issues and wanted to help others in a similar situation

Today I run my own practice in Holistic Therapy Consultancy after studying NLP, Timeline Therapy, Hypnosis, and Life Coaching

Looking ahead my purpose is now on serving people with powerful Coaching and Therapy intervention, to further develop my skills to become a Trainers Trainer of NLP, to focus on Mental Health, supporting children with learning difficulties and to take up a Personal Trainer course (PT)

My website is going to be based around the services I offer, as well as sharing new projects for you to join or support, to have an online learning platform for children and parents to self-teach and help develop the necessary skills required to learn more easily and to share videos on keeping fit and general wellbeing.

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