Anxiety &
Panic Attacks


Anxiety is a feeling of Unease, worry or fear based on something that has happened or going to happen. It’s our self-talk that is sabotaging our willingness to move on from the event or events. Anxiety is a state of heightened awareness. Symptoms can often be Emotional, Breathing heavily, Nausea sickly feeling, Sweating, Loss of appetite, Being Irritable, Sleep deprivation, On the edge, Chest pains are a few to mention.

Does it serve you

Is it bad for you ?? A little is helpful, as it heightens awareness, i.e. in exams it can give you more focus and awareness of your surroundings. However too much for too long will cause long term illness, which can lead to Diseases and more long term sickness.

Course of Action

A number of NLP Interventions are used, they are designed to give you a different perspective of your situation, they are to help boost your confidence and positive energy, the sessions also include Timeline therapy and Hypnosis. 2 to 3 sessions are required for the best results. The sessions are relaxing and fun. Extra sessions can be booked for more in-depth sessions covering a much wider array of interventions. This can all be discussed at the Consultation.

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