
Visit Me

Let’s have a chat, the consultation is just that, we talk about all the things we ordinarily would not bring up in a conversation. Pop along for an in-depth getting to know, here we will discover all the blocks you are living with. What I’m interested in is the deep unconscious thoughts that often pop up at random times. This is a clear sign that you have not dealt with these issues, they can be hiding away and then without warning they pop up at a party, in the shower or in the middle of the night. Not fun at all if you are carrying these thoughts around with you, and not able to focus on what you want.

Over Zoom

With Covid around for the unforeseeable future, it only seems fit to be flexible to continue serving, via zoom. Having clients internationally has become the norm, so as long as you have a mobile device and internet, I can serve you with powerful empowering sessions, the same services with the same results because all change start with you having the right mindset to make the changes.

Me coming to you

I very rarely travel to the client, as I offer a safe environment for you to fully open up and allow us to have those deep conversations without any distractions. However, in special circumstances, I can visit you. Understandably travel cost would need to be covered as well as travelling time.

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