Frequently Asked Questions.

Referrals and recommendations are brilliant, because this helps me with their past history, you become the fly on the wall for me. Often people looking for help will always hold back on sharing their personal history. Having an insight into how they got there is priceless.

This is absolutely fine, I do require a minimum of 24 hr notice although 48 hrs or more, would be idea. 

Sometimes it is unavoidable with busy lives or emergency we must take action, I totally understand. In this case a text message or a voice message, just to let me know and we can reschedule. However if it recurred, a refundable deposit of £100 will be required and of course the deposit will be held back to cover my time spent preparing for the sessions if you cannot commit.

All my work is guaranteed, and by definition the guarantee this based on your commitment, your 100% commitment to allow the changes to occur, to be 100% disciplined and give 100% effort in achieving the results. I’m here to guide you consciously and unconsciously to help you empower yourself. This is my guarantee to you.

Exchanging time and energy for what we can offer each other is something that I would be very interested in although money does pay the bills. If you have a profession or service unique to my own I would be happy to discuss how we can utilise each other’s services to benefits both parties, as this gives value to our time.


My mission is very simple, I want to change the way you look at life, The tools I have studied, I want to share, the knowledge I have accumulated, I want to teach. The legacy I want to leave behind is for you to pass on your learnings and teach to the younger generation


To create a safe environment, where you can come and become the person you are supposed to be, and not the person others want you to be. (Stop Being a People Pleaser)


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