Fear & Phobia


A phobia can be something like flying insects, mice, spiders, or even blood, water or cracks in the footpath. People do not inherit phobias, and our sole fear as infants is loud noises. NLP is one of the most effective approaches to deal with Phobia. It's quick and effective, especially for overcoming fears of flying and heights. * Please bear in mind that results may differ from person to person. Phobia is self-created and is not a medical condition. It's not a mental illness, nor is it a lack of willpower or resolve. Fears and phobias are learned by actions or incidents we encounter during a time of our life, and phobias can also be triggered by another person's verbalization.

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FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real) Having a fear may be debilitating. Fear may make life difficult, humiliate you, and impact your self-confidence and self-esteem. Allow no unreasonable dread to take control of your life. Fear of blushing, losing self-control, forgetting what you're about to say, fear of trembling, fear of vomiting, and other social phobias are all examples of social phobias. Future Events That Appear to Be Real A Panic Attack may be a scary experience if you don't understand what's going on and why it's happening. A panic episode can cause a variety of unpleasant side effects, including nausea, weakness, and shaking. Panic attacks are particularly common, and they seem to mostly strike those who appear to be confident, trustworthy, and dependable.

Course of Action

A number of NLP Interventions are used, they are designed to give you a different perspective of your situation, they are to help boost your confidence and positive energy, the sessions include Timeline therapy and Hypnosis. 2 to 3 sessions are required for the best results. The sessions are relaxing and fun. Extra sessions can be booked for more in-depth sessions covering a much wider array of interventions. This can all be discussed at the Consultation.

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