
How Can I serve You?

As a Master Practitioner of NLP, Timeline Therapy, Hypnosis and Qualified Coach,

I have lots of tools to help you overcome issues that do not serve you. They can be from Mental Health, Depression, Anxiety, Dramatic events from the past to weight loss, stopping smoking, becoming fitter to goal setting the future. 

It is important to know we are responsible for how we feel, and we create all the memories and events in our mind, we lose focus on what we should be doing and dwell over what can’t be changed. This is where I come into play. I help you to understand and overcome your issues, Help you to break the habits of a lifetime and become in tune with yourself and the people around you. Seeking help is one of our biggest fears, running countless seniors in our mind of all the what-ifs, to then realise we are still where we were. How to become fearless and start taking action?

Well, you can start by just asking how you can be helped, no personal information is asked on the free consultation and any personal information is kept safe and not shared with anyone outside of the practice.

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