Invest in

Often we find it difficult to justify spending money on ourselves. However, I look at it as investing in your own personal development.

When you think about all the training you go through for your work is all about making yourself more efficient for the company and your employer, but how much time do you spend on your own self development

I keep it very simple, our needs change all the time and as our circumstances change,

our session will change too. So I have a set fee for 6 sessions and they can be booked 

at anytime through the year.   

What to expect

First we meet up over a coffee, to see what your needs are and how I can help you to conquer them. Once we have established your needs, I will assign one or two tasks to complete. These will be very simple and will help you to better understand your day to day patterns. If the tasks have been completed, we will sign a contract stating you as a client are 100% ready for the change and to continue with the changes to achieve 100% of the results. Then we book up the first session, we will start with a details consultation, based around your immediate needs, areas where instant result are required, NLP, Timeline Therapy and Hypnosis interventions are used that are best suited for that session, and if additional sessions are required in achieving the results. The follow up sessions are Coaching, Mentoring and goal setting, values and any other areas where change is needed. Phone support via whatsapp.

One Day breakthrough

This is a full one-day session, held at my practice, consisting of tasks and ordeals to complete before a detailed consultation, NLP interventions, Timeline Therapy, Hypnosis, goal setting and covering all aspects of your desired life, with 3 follow up sessions,

Please refer to F.A.O.

30 Day Challange

The 30 day challenge is exactly what the tin says. If you are looking for no nonscenes routine change, my unlimited coaching is available for a full 30 days. To break any bad habits, to create new goals, challenging you to step outside of your comfort zone, and take control of your future.

Please refer to F.A.O.

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